Java Funcatron Example using Gradle

This is a simple Java project built with gradle

To build a Funcatron deployable JAR file, type:

gradle clean
gradle shadowJar

Those commands tell gradle to clean any artifacts, compile,
and build an ShadowJar
of the compiled Java code as well as all the dependencies.

The compiled JAR file can be found at

To upload the build to your Funcatron cluster:

wget -O - --post-file=build/libs/java-gradle-all.jar \

See this blog post
for more information on how to upload and enable Func Bundles.

 curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"sha":"JAVA_GRADLE_SHA", "props": {"key": "value"}}' -X POST http://FUNCATRON_SERVER:FUNCATRON_PORT/api/v1/enable